2021-2022 Rink Procedures

As we start to get back into the rink this week let’s keep in mind some general Covid procedures:
The Town of New Hartford and NHYHA recommends all parents and spectators wear masks inside the building. Players and coaches are recommended to as well. Players can remove them during play.
We are asking you to be courteous of others and social distance when possible. 
Please try to limit your time before and after inside the rink. Players and spectators. 
When possible have the players come partially dressed. 
Practice and game procedures will be similar to last year. Enter in rear exit through the new 4 doors. Games 
visitors will come in front lobby door. Home team enter and exit in the new doors on the side. 
We are trying to keep everyone’s time in confined spaces to a minimum.
Looking forward to a great season. Let’s all follow a few rules to keep everyone safe. Any questions please let me know.
Chris Moran

2021-2022 Season

Greetings members and potential NHYHA players and welcome to another great season of Youth Hockey!! I am pleased to announce that registration is open on our web site www.newhartfordyouthhockey.com

We are offering Learn to skate, mites, squirts and pee wee registration at this time. Our 2 midget groups are already selected and playing as they have to squeeze in their season before High School Hockey starts. We had a limited number of Bantam age kids this year so we are suggesting that they register over in Whitestown in order to be able to play. Our learn to play group will be developed out of the mite group as they are evaluated.  We have about one month before the official season starts on Monday Oct 4. Please don’t wait until last minute to register. As always you need a new USA hockey number before registering. That can be found on USA Hockey’s web site. www.usahockey.com

Payment plans are an option again this year for those that like to spread out the fees.  For returning players and new registrants please contact your coaches regarding pre-season ice and any team questions if they haven’t contacted you already. 

Registration questions can be directed to myself Chris Moran (315-404-4737 call or text; [email protected]) or our NHYHA registrar (Sue Campbell; [email protected])

We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon! The ice is being put down as we speak.  

Thank you for choosing NHYHA!!

Chris Moran

NHYHA 2021-2022 16U State Bound Wrap Roster

One Roster Spot Remaining will be filled the first week of the season.

Head Coach: John Massoud

Centro, CarmenWhitesboro
Crowley, JamesClinton
Elbrecht, SeanNew Hartford
Falvo, AnthonyNew Hartford
Gaetano, CharlesNew Hartford
Garcia, JakeNew Hartford
Hinderling, CadenClinton
Jarvis, TylerClinton
Kernan, Adam (G)Oriskany
Massoud, CalebNew Hartford
Orton, CarmenRome
Premo, JacobRome
Raiano, AlexNew Hartford
Sharrino, JohnRome
Soika, AidenClinton
Stivali, TylerWhitesboro
VanDoren, LoganWhitesboro
Vetter, Mike (G)New Hartford
Waterman, LoganRome

NHYHA 2021-2022 18U State Bound Wrap Roster

One Spot Remaining will be Filled the First Week of the Season.

Head Coach: Bill Gall

Bono, JoshWhitesboro
Calcagnino, MikeWhitesboro
Centro, FrankWhitesboro
Ciancio, NoahClinton
Dejardins, Russell (G)Clinton
DiSpirito, AJWhitesboro
Elbrecht, AidanNew Hartford
Gall, RowanNew Hartford
Gall, WilliamNew Hartford
Jacobs, MasonUtica
Lachacz, LoganWhitesboro
Matthews, Kris (G)Whitesboro
Roberts, JakeWhitesboro
Schoen, SamWhitesboro
Simonchyk, AndreyClinton
Smith, KrisNew Hartford
Syrotynski, GabeNew Hartford
Welch, JohnWhitesboro
Wood, CadenWhitesboro

Season Update

Dear Members
We will resume practices on Sat Dec 5th. Same Safety procedures as before. Please if your kids are sick at all do not bring them. We want to continue to provide an opportunity for the kids to be able to participate in hockey. Your cooperation with safety procedures will allow us to do so. Also if you do not feel comfortable sending your kids please do not hesitate to keep them at home. Please keep checking the schedule. From time to time there may be some minor adjustments. Our next shut down will be around the Christmas Holiday. We will shut down from Dec 24-Jan. 3. We will resume again on Jan 4 if we are still allowed to. Stay safe and enjoy the upcoming Holiday season. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Chris Moran

COVID-19 Update

Dear NHYHA members:
We will be doing a week long shutdown for all groups from Nov.26th-Dec.2. Although traveling is discouraged this shutdown will give plenty of time for the Thanksgiving  holiday festivities. It will also separate the groups from each other for 7 days. Although no formal shutdowns regarding youth sports has been issued we feel small things we can do will make a difference. Thank you all for making sure your kids have been coming mostly dressed limiting time spent in close areas getting dressed. I will remind everyone to make sure the kids are wearing masks in and out of the building. I have been very impressed at how everyone has adapted to all the rules and changes!! Stay tuned as we may do a similar shutdown around the Christmas and New Year Holiday. That is if we are not shut down by the governor office or The County Executive at any time soon. Will keep everyone informed of any changes along the way. 
Chris Moran

2020-2021 LTS Waitlist

Potential LTS registrants:
Unfortunately we have to start a waiting list as our number of participants is limited to 50. We have already split that 50 in half for 2 different sessions. We are allowing 1 parent per child into the arena thus putting us at the limit allowed in the arena for each group. If you would like to be put on a wait list if someone backs out or we are able to allow more into the arena please sign up for that. Again we apologize but due to the health concerns we live with we have to limit our numbers. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Please go here to have your name added to the waitlist: https://forms.gle/pA4gv6dN3pb5mfGK6

Chris Moran

COVID Update

Dear Members:
As we continue into our third week of ice I want to thank all parents coaches and rink staff for continuing to support our mission. We are getting kids back on the ice while also keeping them as safe as we can from the Covid virus. I’ve been to several practices and am very impressed with what I’ve seen. Just a few reminders moving forward:

Please be on time for drop off (not more than 15min prior) and pick up (10 min after). Your promptness makes the flow of the kids through the arena easier.
Make sure players are wearing masks in and out of the arena. 
Use the hand sanitizer stations available in the arena area after practice. 
With your continued support we will have a successful season even with the restrictions placed on us. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me anytime. 

Thank You
Chris Moran

Learn to Skate (LTS) Update

Dear LTS parents
As of this posting we are at 37 registrants. Thus  the need to split the group into 2 separate groups per day. One parent per child (or family if multiple kids)will be allowed in the arena to assist their child.No exceptions!!  Please adhere to the following rules :
Parents wear masks the whole time they are in the arena. Players will wear them into the arena then on the way back out.
Bring your player fully dressed if possible. Hard skate guards help a lot so they can walk right in dressed.
At very least put everything on except skates and helmet. There will be coaches to assist if needed.
Use the new side parking lot and rear (2 doors for entry). Players will get dressed in the rear lobby. Coaches will escort them to the arena when ready. Players will in turn undress in the bleachers when they are done so sneakers coats etc will be carried by parents from the back lobby after dressing to the bleacher area. After practice you will exit the new (4 doors) into the parking lot.
No bags into the arena. A lot of rules but very simple. Just follow the coaches lead and ask for help if needed. 
Nov 7 sat is the first skate
Group 1 -1015-1100am (doors open at 10am)
Group 2-1115-1200(doors open at 11 when first group clears out)
Please stay tuned to emails for your group assignment.
Also please check out the LTS schedule on our web site. Typically we will do 2 groups fri nights: 515-600 and 615 -700 and the above listed sat time frame schedule. I’m sure there will be many questions. Feel free to email or text/call  me with any questions . 
Thank you for choosing nhyha.
Chris Moran
[email protected]