NHYHA 2017-2018

We would like to keep everyone in the loop on next seasons plans. At this time NHYHA plans to field teams at the following levels for next season:

  • LTS (Eric Gooldy coach)
  • LTP
  • Mite (Pete Desimone Shaun Brennan and other remaining coaches from last season)
  • Squirt
  • Pee Wee (Bill Gall coach)
  • Bantam (Kevin Darby coach)
  • Midget 18u

The possibility of multiple teams at each level exists if the numbers warrant. We are in the process of booking ice slots for tryouts late March or early April. Stay tuned to your email, our web site or Facebook for further details. Thank You for choosing NHYHA. 

Chris Moran
NHYHA President