2020 Lil’ Pukkers Invitational (Mite, Squirt)

WELCOME: New Hartford Youth Hockey would like to invite you to our mite and squirt Invitational Tournament. This tournament is designed to host mites at the RED, White, and Blue level and Squirts at the White level only. All proceeds from the activities of this tournament directly benefit our nonprofit organization. Your participation and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

DATE: February 21-23, 2020 (see tentative game schedule for details). Teams will be determined on a first come, first serve basis.

TOURNAMENT CORDINATOR: John Ricciardelli: [email protected] 

Cost: Mites- $425 ($350 if paid in full before December 31, 2019), Squirts- $500 ($425 if paid in full before December 31, 2019)

PRE-REGISTRATION: Please mail the tournament fee with the registration form and a copy of your official roster. A copy of your roster and jersey numbers should also be emailed to our representative above. DEADLINE: December 31, 2019 to be eligible for the discounted rate.

Mail/Payable to: New Hartford Youth Hockey
Attention: Little Puckers Invitational
New Hartford, NY. 13413

AWARDS: First & second place teams will receive both team and individual awards at each level. Player of the game awards will also be given to one player per team per game based on performance and sportsmanship demonstrated during the game. Coaches will chose the player of the game for the opposing team.

Skills Competition: A skills competition will also take place on Saturday Feb. 22. NHYH will send out further details and sign ups for skills when registration is complete.

Schedule: A tentative schedule is being worked out and will be made available after registration.

Rink Address: 4 Mill Street New Hartford, NY. 13413

Additional Details can be found here.