Raffle Tickets and Concession Stand Hours

Dear NHYHA members:

If you have not done your 9 concession hrs (mite,pw,bntm) and want your refund you must complete your hrs by the end of the season. I have loaded another months worth of time. You can find the sign up sheet link on the bottom of this message or go to our web site: www.newhartfordyouthhockey.com

Also remember raffle tickets are due at the end of this week (1/7). Please put them in the bucket in the front concession stand. Thank you and hope you are enjoying the season!


Chris Moran

2016-2017 Concession Stand

Thanks again for registering your children with NHYHA. Along with your registration fee you also paid $100 towards concession duties. Once you work your required 9 hrs you can fill out the following form and I will check them against the schedule and process your $100 refund. If you choose not to do your 9hrs then your money will go to a school aged kid to work hours that members do not sign up for.

Below is the link to the concession sign up sheet. Please email me with any questions or if you need to cancel a slot you sign up for. Thanks for your cooperation and see everyone at the rink. Go NH!


Chris Moran ([email protected])

Concession Stand Slots Available

Fellow New Hartford Youth Hockey members:

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year. Just a reminder the concession sign up schedule is updated until the end of the season. If you would like your 100 dollar refund you need to fulfill your 9hr obligation. The schedule is wide open at this point so don’t hesitate to get on and sign up. (Link is below) Also we have our annual mite tournament coming up the first weekend of February. This is not only is fun for our kids it is one of our bigger fundraisers for the organization. If you would like to help out please contact me. Also if you can get anything donated for the raffle/ or food table please contact me. Good luck the rest of the season and as always thank you for choosing New Hatford Youth Hockey. 


Chris Moran


2014-2015 Concession Stand Sign Up

Concession Sign ups are live! NEW this year – you can sign up for more than 1 slot at a time! You must create a sign up genius account if haven’t created one or if you don’t remember last year’s password. Please read the blurb on the top of the sign up sheet. I can’t stress how important it is to ONLY use the site to sign up for your hours. As always, if you have any questions, you can email the concession scheduler using the link on the site or via Facebook.