2021-2022 Rink Procedures

As we start to get back into the rink this week let’s keep in mind some general Covid procedures:
The Town of New Hartford and NHYHA recommends all parents and spectators wear masks inside the building. Players and coaches are recommended to as well. Players can remove them during play.
We are asking you to be courteous of others and social distance when possible. 
Please try to limit your time before and after inside the rink. Players and spectators. 
When possible have the players come partially dressed. 
Practice and game procedures will be similar to last year. Enter in rear exit through the new 4 doors. Games 
visitors will come in front lobby door. Home team enter and exit in the new doors on the side. 
We are trying to keep everyone’s time in confined spaces to a minimum.
Looking forward to a great season. Let’s all follow a few rules to keep everyone safe. Any questions please let me know.
Chris Moran