2019-2020 Registration

Registration for the 2019 – 2020 Hockey Season is now open! The New Hartford Youth Hockey Association welcomes all returning and new players to all of our age groups!  Registration is now open for Learn to Skate, Learn to Play, Mites (8U), Squirts (10U), PeeWee (12U), and Midgets (16U and 18U)!

**New for this Season**

Goalies Play Free for Squirts, PeeWees, and Midgets

Are your kids interested in trying hockey for the first time? Do you have an experienced player looking to learn from great coaches with years of playing and coaching experience? Then join us for the exciting season ahead!

Register at the following link: http://sports.bluesombrero.com/nhyha/

For more information, you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and www.newhartfordyouthhockey.com. Or please contactChris Moran at 315-404-4737 or email with any questions. Email [email protected]